Search Results
TEDxKTH - Kristina Höök - Living in an Internet of Things World
The internet of things: Lorna Goulden at TEDxAmsterdamWomen
Rethink money and meaning with the internet of things: Chris Rezendes at TEDxSanDiego 2013
TEDxKTH - Mark Smith - I for the IOT
The Internet of Things | Dr. Alexei Nikitin | TEDxMHK
Design Technology in the Internet of Things: Carla Diana at TEDxEmory 2012
The Internet of Things: What is a Spime and why is it...
Internet Of Things | Steve Stathis Tzikakis | TEDxAcademy
The internet of things: Jeff Hagins at TEDxSF
An Internet of (Im)Possible Things | John Barrett | TEDxBergen
Body and emotion | Kristina Höök | TEDxStockholm
TEDxBradford - Julian Tait - We Are Sensors: Taking Control in the Internet of Things